Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Mandate of Love

The word 'Maundy' originated from the Latin word 'mandatum'. It originated from observing the anniversary of 'mandatum novum' which means new mandate or new commandment. Our Lord Jesus gave this new commandment as recorded in the Book of John. It was the evening of the Passover meal. Jesus and his disciples gathered at the table.As the meal was being served, Jesus got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, put a towel around his waist. Pouring water into a basin, he began to wash his disciple's feet, and drying them with the towel wrapped around him. That evening was the last supper Jesus took with his disciples, before he was led away by soldiers and eventually made to suffer a painful death.

Dear friends, do you understand what the Lord had done? He has set us an example, just as Jesus had washed his disciples' feet, they are to wash each others' feet. As you commemorate Maundy Thursday this year, remember that the new commandment of our Lord 'A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, you must love one another. By this all men shall know you are my disciples'.

Jesus Himself became the Passover Lamb, giving His life to redeem you and I from darkness into God's kingdom. There's no greater love than this - that a man would lay his life for a friend!

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