Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A blessing for you

The Chinese character 'fu' which means blessing is most often seen during the lunar new year. This character stands for blessedness, happiness, riches and success to many Chinese people. The 'fu' character itself teaches us the original of true blessedness. The origin of humanity can be found in the book of Genesis. The Lord God himself in five days created the heavens and the earth and formed all the living creatures in it. On the 6th day, He made the ultimate expression of his creativity and love - Adam, the first human. In Genesis 2, the Lord God placed Adam in the beautiful garden of Eden which was watered and bounded by four great rivers. The character for garden 'tian' is pictured as a land made fertile and irrigated with streams of water running through it. Such was the true original of bliss - Adam (represented as one mouth meaning one person), the appointed keepr of the Garden, in constant fellowship with his divine Creator. T
May you remember your Creator each time you see 'fuduring this festive season.

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